Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Dark souls 2-In To The Light 

Namco Bandai and From Software have decided to work with some of the most exciting comic writers and artists to produce an exclusive comic book for one of the most-anticipated games of 2014: Dark Souls II.
The graphic novel, titled “Dark Souls II: Into the Light” takes place in the thrilling universe of the game. The story is written by Rob Williams and Andi Ewington with art provided by Simon Coleby.

Rob Williams is an acclaimed British-based comic book writer whose credits include Ghost Rider, Daken, Amazing Spider-Man, The Dark X-Men, and Star Wars Tales. Simon Coleby is a British comic book artist who has worked for Marvel and 2000 AD. His credits include creating art for Judge Dredd and Rogue Trooper. Andi Ewington is an up-and-coming writer whose breakthrough debut novel ‘45’ won critical acclaim from reviewers and fans alike.


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